#Day7 #WHM #LOVE #PersonalDevotional 2,5 Minute Read
"For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Galatians 5:14 NASB1995
“Word” - Hebrew Old Testament: dâbâr (daw-bawr')
From H1696; a word; by implication a matter (as spoken of) of thing; (Strongs Concordance)
“Word” - Greek New Testament: λόγος - logos;
From G3004; a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech:
The word “commandment” in Deuteronomy 10:4 is actually the word “word”. In other words, the “10 commandments” are literally the “10 words”. We see that in a figurative sense because we know the commandments consist of more than just 10 words. But Exodus 34:28 clarifies that for us, “And He (Jehovah) wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.” (NASB95) The words are the 10 Commandments - the Law - the Old Covenant.
But that sets up the play on words in the New Covenant - Galatians 5:14 - The whole Law (the old covenant), the 10 Commandments, the 10 words, are summed up in 1 word - Love. And that’s true. The whole law, or all the law, is summed up by that one word - Love. That one word is not just a word, it is a commandment. Love. You can look one of your kids dead in the eye and say, “love” when they are misbehaving. It’s one word, it’s one command, and it embodies the covenant you share in your household. So it is with the household of God. When God says, “Love”, He is saying, “You go love”. That’s the command. That’s the word. That’s the covenant. Every other command of the covenant will be tied back to that one word in one way or another.
Illustration: We can use the word “word” in a similar fashion today. Perhaps a sibling goes to tell another sibling that “Mother sends word to clean your room before the guests arrive.” Mother’s “word” is a command. Mother is telling/commanding her child to clean the room. In like manner, the 10 commandments are 10 words. They are summed up in this one word - love. 10 words in 1 - Love.
This is the logos (word) of God - Love your neighbor as yourself. Christians in the first century were failing at that. Christians today are too. What about you? You can’t control others, but you can be mindful of yourself. Are you following the logos of God? The one logos? The one word? Love? In every walk of life treat others as you would love yourself. Or better yet, as we studied the other day, treat others as Christ Jesus has treated you: show kindness, compassion, care, humility, gentleness, joy, peace, patience, goodness, mercy, grace, forgiveness… show love.

Sounds like an easy command,and in theory, it is. In fact, I could have this command mastered by the end of the day if it were up to me. Unfortunately, Satan is ever-present, including the drives, to and from work. From my estimation, there is no love, or very little love when sitting in traffic. However, a command is a command and today, I'll be the exception. Mostly because today is my day off and I won't be in traffic. Instead, today, I'll pray for those who are, with love