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Forever in Your Debt

"Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law."

Romans 13:8 NASB1995

There is a play on thought in this verse (v. 8) with the verse prior (v. 7). In verse 7 it says “Pay to all” (ESV) everything that is due (owed) them (tax, custom, respect, honor) and in verse 8 it says “Owe nothing to anyone”. “Owe nothing” but “Pay all”? How can this be?

“Own nothing to anyone” is speaking of being in debt to anyone. Not owing beyond what you have the capacity to pay. Pay your taxes and customs and don’t be in debt. Work and be responsible so as to be a good citizen, neighbor, and Christian example. (I Thessalonians 4:9-12) But also, as Christians, we are to give proper respect and honor to governing authorities. In America, we use the phrase “respect the office” (even if the person holding it is a scoundrel). This… is a form/demonstration of love. Pay taxes, pay customs, pay respect, pay honor. Owe nothing to anyone.

Except”!!!! “Except to love one another.” This is something we always “owe”; not because we are in another’s debt, but by the command of God. In a family, a sibling “owes” it to their parents to love their fellow sibling. Likewise, we “owe” it to God to love our fellow mankind. (James 3:9-10) Not because they have loved us, but because He has loved us. By the nature that they are God’s children. (I John 4:19-21) And by virtue of the command of God; for that’s what this verse is, a command.

That’s why as we obey it, we fulfill the law, “for (as a result) he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Likewise, it is this phrase in v. 7 that connects this to the following context in v. 10, “Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10) Love renders unto others what is due them (love) and does not withhold from others what is due them (love). Love is both positive (gives what is due… honor, respect, kindness, care, etc.) and negative (does not give what is not due…envy, murder, strife, adultery, etc.)

As disciples of Jesus Christ, this is our high calling. Do you show respect and honor to governing officials when you speak with others or when you post on social media? If how you treat others is a reflection of your love for God; then how is that love looking these days? When you are mean or ugly to others do you think (justify) to yourself… “they ‘deserved’ that” or “they had that coming”? When you were mean or ugly to someone were you giving them what you “owed” them? Or perhaps even when they sinned against you, you “owed” them love? (Romans 12:17-21) Isn’t that how Jesus treated you when you sinned against Him? (Ephesians 2:1-10) Did He give you what you “de-served” or did He serve you by paying your debt of sin on the cross? (Matthew 18:23-35)

I’m forever in your debt because I am forever in His debt. I owe it to Him… to love you. I owe nothing to you, except to love you.

And I do.



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