(GRACE IN MOTION - Day 3 of 3)
“For all things are for your sakes, that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God”
2 Corinthians 4:15
“For all things are for your sakes” - “all things” defined by the context here is in relation to those who shared the gospel with the Corinthians specifically and all Christians generally. There was much difficulty, hardship, and persecution, but they did not quit because they believed. Because of their faith. They had to speak. They had to share. Nothing could stop them. Nothing did. The belief that lived in translated into a love for truth so deep and pure that they would give their lives to share it. And many did. Who can you say in your life that, “all things are for your sake” spiritually? What sacrifices, difficulties, hardships are you bearing so that others might have the grace of God known to them?
“that the grace which is spreading to more and more people” - some translations use the word “abundant”. The grace is overflowing through it being shared more and more. As the gospel goes out, and more people believe, that means more people share. It multiplies and does so exponentially. How is the grace/gospel spreading to more and more people through you? If it is not; why not?
“may cause the giving of thanks” - Any proper understanding of the grace of God and His acts of love towards us and the salvation provided through His son Christ Jesus must necessarily produce adoration towards God. If one does not desire to give thanks to God upon receiving the knowledge and understanding of what He has done for us, then they either are still yet to understand His grace of their heart is stone so as to not hear, accept, and receive it. This is one reason it’s so tragic that ministers are left begging people to “attend” worship. For the heart that loves God must not be begged, the heart that believes and loves God cannot be kept from the assembly. Yes, “I believe therefore I speak”! Likewise, I believe therefore I attend. I believe therefore I participate. I believe therefore I partake. I believe, therefore I give thanks.
“to abound to the glory of God” - the KJV uses the word “redound” which in our modern-day vernacular we would recognize the synonym “rebound”. The grace that God sends upon the world comes back to Him in the giving of thanks and honor and praise and glory. As it should. For He has given His everything for us. God’s glory does abound, and it should abound because of us. Because of our love and appreciation for allllllll that He has given to us, provided for us, and done for us.
May God’s grace be shown in you and through you unto the world and may it continue to spread to more and more people from generation to generation.
