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My Grace is Sufficient for You

“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”

II Corinthians 12:9-10

My grace is sufficient for you” - The favor of God, whatever level of blessing Paul did enjoy, was sufficient for Paul’s faith and faithfulness. Paul was once a great persecutor of the church and was a part in not only the persecution of Christians, but also their deaths. Paul was told at his conversion of sufferings he would endure for Christ’s sake. This suffering was not penance for Paul, it was just part of the ministry, part of the work. It was not easy work. There would be challenges and difficulty and suffering, but the grace of God was sufficient to see him through. Is it enough for you?

For power is perfected in weakness” - God’s power is perfected in man’s weakness. The faith of Paul to persevere through the “thorn in the flesh”/“the messenger of Satan” would demonstrate the power of God and His grace at work in Paul’s life. Paul could not overcome this in and of himself. The only way he could face this, deal with it, and overcome it was by the power and grace of God. Same for us.

I will rather boast about my weaknesses” - As such, Paul did not boast about himself; but instead, boasted about what he faced. I believe there is a bit of sarcasm here. He belittles the weaknesses and emphasizes the power of Christ in Him. In other words, he is not boasting in the persecutions, but in the power of Christ who delivers and allows him to overcome and persevere! May we do likewise!

I am well content with weaknesses…” - Most of the time we avoid such weaknesses. We may look for the way out of the struggle; and yet, Paul aware of the glory of it, and the reflection on Christ of persevering, he was “well content” in such circumstances. This is a truly mature perspective and faith. While most would run from such trials, or buckle under their weight, Paul was well content because he knew his purpose and his mission in trusting in God and glorifying God. Do we?

For when I am weak, then I am strong” - “weak” here does not simply mean “without strength”; but rather, is put for things designed to weaken us such as insults, distress, persecutions, etc. And when Paul suffered these “weaknesses” in the flesh it only strengthened his resolve in spirit. So the ultimate idea is, “For when I am weak (insulted, distressed, persecuted, etc.) in the flesh then I am strong in the Lord.” I rely on Him, His power, His wisdom, and His grace, and in this I draw strength.

“My grace is sufficient for you.” “My grace is sufficient for you.” “My grace is sufficient for you.” Keep repeating that over and over today. Look for it in every circumstance of your life. Before you go wanting more, before you whine, before you criticize, before you cry, before you complain, before you pout. Repeat… “My grace is sufficient for you.” Allow those words of God to start to change your daily perspective of life in how you face challenges and difficulties. “My grace is sufficient for you.” “My favor is sufficient for you.” “My blessing is sufficient for you.” “My hope is sufficient for you.” It is.



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