"Like a city that is broken into and without walls
Is a man who has no control over his spirit."
Proverbs 25:28 NASB1995
Some of my favorite proverbs are those that evoke a strong image as this proverb does using a simile. The person who has no control over their spirit will continually be possessed (controlled) by others. The “walls” provide a level of protection in the form of “control” of who/what is let in. It is easy to imagine a castle with grand walls or imagine the city of Jericho in the OT with its great walls.
When we have no self-control we are dangerously vulnerable. Vulnerable to outside influences which seek to harm us; most notably, the devil. Or even those acting in devilish ways - temptation and sin.
The boyfriend/girlfriend acting upon lust and pressuring the other to fornication; if you have no wall of integrity, no self-control to firmly say “no” (in word or deed), then you are likely to give into that influence.
The person who is seeking to provoke you to anger; if you have no wall of wisdom and understanding to defend you against their “offense”, then you can lash out in sin.
When the stresses and difficulties of life appear to be piling up in front of you, and you have no walls of defense to stem the flood of anxiety, then you will end up overwhelmed and overcome by it.
When emotional stress starts to pile on; if you don’t have a wall of self-awareness and strength to recognize that food, or alcohol, or drugs will not solve your problems (but only cause more) then you turn to these substances rather than the sanctuary of God in prayer and faith.
I’m sure there are many other scenarios you may think of in life that fit this proverb as these are but a few of the more common ones. I think generally we view people who have self-control as "strong" and those lacking self-control as "weak" and/or "vulnerable". This is one reason why we have such self-loathing/guilt/shame when we fail to have self-control: we don't like being weak.
As you look to your 2023, what kind of city are you going to be? Are you going to build up your walls to protect and safeguard your soul? Are you going to build each day, through exercises like daily bible reading, prayer, devotionals, meditations, meeting with brethren, listening to spirit-building podcasts, etc., to reinforce those walls and strengthen your self-control? Are you going to be wise of the enemies without so as to prepare yourself within to stand firm against them?
“Building walls” is not always healthy and is not always unhealthy. It depends on the how/why you are doing it. As it fits in this proverb, the building of the wall is healthy, to protect your mental and spiritual health. Without the walls, without the self-control, you are easily overrun and overwhelmed and possessed by sin. And so be wise in the ways of the Lord, and build yourself up to stand firm against the temptations and trials of daily life.
