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Self-Control: Love Thy Self

"The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

Mark 12:31

Iris Scogin blessed us with this comment on the Day17 post: “Thank you for the series on self-control. A lot of us don't even know our ‘selves’ let alone control it. I am guilty of that sometimes. And that's when I have to ask myself a question of why I reacted the way I did. Self-awareness is the beginning of self-control. Love yourself, as in Matthew 22:39 says "The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’"

A great irony of life is the way we view loving ourselves. We think loving ourselves is fulfilling any lusts/desires we feel; but really, loving ourselves is often taming those desires. Iris is right; God expects us to love ourselves. It is part of the foundation of His law. But it is also fulfilled in/by His law. Meaning, when we keep God’s commandments we are loving ourselves. The law is there to teach us what love is, and as we follow it, we are the beneficiaries of its blessings.

The law of God is opposed to the sinful tendencies of mankind that come forth from our lusts (James 1:13-16). We often view loving ourselves as bringing pleasure or joy to ourselves. For example, if someone has something that I want/like, then I may have the desire to take it from them. But that’s theft (stealing) and that is wrong. What about King David, who wanted the wife of Uriah the Hittite? David took Bathsheba to lay with her; was he loving himself with such action? He was certainly fulfilling his carnal desires, but it was adultery. Adultery that ultimately led to blasphemy and murder! David got it wrong. We get it wrong. That’s one reason the law of God is there; to teach us, and correct us, and help us get it right!

The law teaches us self-control, and exhibiting self-control is truly loving ourselves. I love myself if I don’t steal from my neighbor, but temper whatever passion of greed was building within me. I love myself if I respect my neighbor’s spouse, and don’t seek out fornication or adultery. I love myself if I control my temper and don’t lash out in anger or fury because I’m tired or need a snickers. I love myself if I don’t pursue the excitement and adrenaline of pornography that leads to guilt and the degradation of my fellow mankind. I love myself if I don’t lash out in road rage and kill the driver who cut me off (and possibly others or myself in the process). I love myself if I obey and respect and honor my parents. And the list goes on and on.

Self-control is self-love. And it’s also loving our God and Creator and appreciating and respecting His love and wisdom for us. The deception is that in following our lusts unto pleasure is what love is, but the reality is, that while it might bring a moment of pleasure, it is folly and will ultimately bring pain, and guilt, and suffering, and heartache, and judgment. Always. The truth, is that following the way of the Lord (controlling our passions, lusts, and desires) is how we best love ourselves.



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