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Self-Control over Self-Deception

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.”

James 1:16 NASB77

“Do not be deceived” - Is this a command or simply advice? If you view it as a command (which I do (and most certainly it is)) then that must mean that I have a power within myself to be able to obey it. God does not give commands that cannot be obeyed. In fact, Abraham is the father of faith in demonstrating this to us. If God commands it, we can do it.

The power/ability is within each one of us to not be deceived. The more we mature and grow in wisdom then the more able we become. The more we mature and put on the armor of God the more able we become. If we remain spiritually immature children, only able to handle milk and not solid food, then the easier it is for us to be deceived.

If you’ve seen the youtube blanket trick videos people play on dogs, then you know how easy it can be to fool an animal. Even a small child is gullible, naive, and prone to deception. However, as we age, we are supposed to mature and be able to control our discernment, and thereby, our ability to be deceived.

Do not be deceived” because the power is within you not to be. “Do not be deceived” because the ability is within you not to be. “Do not be deceived” because the knowledge is available to you (by the grace of God) not to be. “Do not be deceived” because God has told you and warned you of the deceiver(s) and the deception(s). “Do not be deceived” because the reward is in the truth and not the lie. “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.”

Do not be deceived” by the devil. It is who he is. It is sport to him to deceive you and make you fall. Be aware of his schemes. Stand against him. Do not be naive so as to think you are above him or impervious to his ploys. Be vigilant. Be sober-minded. Be on guard. Stand firm. You can.

Do not be deceived” by others. Contextually here it seems like false teachers were promoting a false doctrine that allowed for (if not outright excused) our sin. This is why James, inspired by the Holy Spirit, sets the record straight. “Do not be deceived”, God is not the source of your temptation, lust, transgressions, sins, and the penalty thereof - death. No man can change that reality, and to believe otherwise is to be deceived. To believe the lie.

Do not be deceived” by yourself. And I believe this is perhaps the most dangerous. I love to deceive myself into thinking I’ll open the box of twinkies and just eat one. I love to deceive myself and think I’ll check FB and be off there in two minutes. It’s easy to deceive ourselves so as to follow our lusts under the delusion there is no consequence. There is always a consequence. Always. Let us especially not be self-deceived!

Let us strive to grow in wisdom so as to not be naive and weak; but rather, discerning and strong-willed so as to make choices that honor and glorify God. Let us seek for such wisdom! Let us pray for such wisdom!



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