#DAY7 #WHM #SELFCONTROL #PERSONALDEVOTIONAL “But as he was discussing righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix became frightened and said, ‘Go away for the present, and when I find time I will summon you.’” Acts 24:25 NASB1995 https://bible.com/bible/100/act.24.25.NASB1995 What do you think was more frightening to Felix, the idea of the judgement of mankind before God or the thought of needing self-control in one’s life? It was likely the judgment part, but self-control can be a very intimidating topic as well. It seems most people know that self-control is a challenge and struggle with it in some form or fashion in their lives one way or another. In fact, I'd venture to opine that it is likely the part of living as a Christian that is the cause of failure and guilt the most in our walk with the Lord. For this reason, oftentimes people just change God or change His gospel. This is one of the reasons from the beginning of time mankind has made gods to their own liking; because it allows them to engage in their sinful desires and passions and sometimes even allows them to codify it into their own law. The Holy Spirit well documents that digression of human behavior in Romans chapter one. The only way humans can do what they want and indulge the flesh is that they must first deny their Creator, Jehovah God, the authority over all mankind. Jesus came to earth and showed us different by perfectly honoring God the Father and His law. The reason Jesus was able to live a sinless life is because of His self-control. When tempted by the devil, Jesus appealed to the authority of the word of God to temper any carnal desires or lusts and remain in complete self-control in conquering the devil's schemes. As Christians, disciples - followers of Jesus Christ, we are called in His gospel to be like Him. This means we are to be a people of self-control and overcome our lust, desire, passion, and temptations by the word of God and faithfulness to Him. Self-control is part of the core of the Christian Faith. It is a key aspect of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is what was taught in the gospel originally and is what must be taught today if we are teaching the whole gospel, the true gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ. We see that here with the example of Paul in Acts 24:25. And like Felix, as we live that gospel and share that gospel, there will be people who don't like it. There will be people in our lives that it will make uncomfortable. We must live it and share it anyway. In Romans 1:16 Paul says he is not ashamed of the gospel, and if he is not ashamed of the gospel that means he is not ashamed of any part of it, including the values like self-control. We as Christians must not be ashamed of it either. We must understand it is a core value of Christianity and that to live that core value is best for our lives and honors and glorifies our Creator and our Savior. We are not to follow our desires and passions of the heart unless that desire and passion is to do what is pleasing to our Lord. May we live each day to have a desire and passion for self-control. May we understand it as a key aspect of the gospel and Christianity. May we understand its benefit and blessing to our lives. May we understand how it honors and glorifies God. And may we not be ashamed of this core value in our faith. To God be the glory!
