Lists with Love
"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13 NASB1995
Here we are on Day 30; if we aren’t convinced by now that “love” is the greatest, I’m not sure we ever will be. Of course, knowing most of the reading audience, I’m sure you probably already knew and believed love to be the greatest. If for no other reason, than because God said so here in the text. But how is love the greatest? Why is love the greatest?
“How” love is the greatest, in this context, is its endurance. Love never fails. Love will never be done away. Love is forever. The signs will fail. They already have. We have no miraculous gifts within brethren in the church today. Faith will also cease. On that day, when faith becomes sight, faith will not be required. Likewise, when hope is fulfilled in heaven, what more will there be to hope for? But love… love endures. Love never fails. It was, is, and will always be. If for no other reason than the fact that God is love. It is His nature. As long as God is, love is.
“Why” love is the greatest is because it is the sum and foundation of all that is godly. Of all that is good and holy and righteous. There is no attribute of God and godliness that exists apart from God. As such, love is a part of all righteousness, goodness, and godliness. As was demonstrated time and time again in the “Lists with Love” in the NT we’ve been surveying this week, love is at the top of them all (and the center AND the foundation!)! If you don’t know love you don’t know God. If you don’t live love you don’t live Christianity. If you don’t diligently pursue love, the entrance to heaven is far from you. If you don’t put on love, then peace and unity are strangers to you.
Faith, hope, and love are all great. They are all synonymous with Christianity. They are all vital to the Christian life. They each are a blessing and of untold and unimaginable value. Love is the greatest. For this reason, it has been worthy of our consideration all month long, and worthy still. To pursue the knowledge and application of love is a lifelong journey of wisdom. May God continue to bless each of us on that journey, as we seek to grow and mature in The Greatest.
