Lists of Love - Going to focus on some of these lists over the next few days
"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:1-3 NASB1995
Definitions: (for reference if needed)
Worthy: (Greek) ἀξίως / axiōs / Ax-ee'-oce - Adverb from G514; appropriately: - as becometh, after a godly sort, worthily (-thy). (Strong) / 6x: worthily, Colossians 1:10; suitably, in a manner becoming, Romans 16:2 (Mounce).
Call(ing): (Greek) κλῆσις / Klēsis / klay'-sis - From a shorter form of G2564; an invitation (figuratively): - calling. (Strong) / a call, calling, invitation; in NT the call or invitation to the privileges of the Gospel (Mounce)
Church: ἐκκλησία / Ekklēsia / Ek-klay-see'-ah - From a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2564; a calling out, that is, (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (...Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): - assembly, church.(Strong)
In this list, the Holy Spirit is revealing the attributes that are worthy of the gospel. They are worthy of the gospel way. They are associated with the gospel and reflect the value of the gospel. These attributes are fundamental to the gospel and therefore are to be fundamental to the life of every Christian making a true and honest claim of discipleship in Jesus.
Like most of these lists in the New Testament, love is the core value. Love is the summation of all of the values and none of them exist in the purity of their godly nature without love. In Ephesians 2 the topic of “oneness” in Christ is started (one group, body, man, building, etc.). The topic of unity continues here in chapter four where it is made clear that there will be no unity without unity’s core virtue: love. This is true in our spiritual family just as it is in our natural family. Sharing the same space, being in the same room together, is not unity. Unity exists where the bond of love unites.
This is the way of the gospel. It’s “appropriate” to the gospel. It “fits” the way of the gospel. Love unifies, and as a result, magnifies the glory of the gospel. There is a way we walk/live which is worthy of the gospel. The gospel itself makes that clear. We may wrongly think we can’t walk worthy of the gospel, and that is true in the sense that walking in love does not provide the forgiveness of sin (only the blood, grace, and mercy of our Savior and Lord can do that), but it is false in the sense that I can’t choose each day to walk/live according to the gospel. I can. I should. I must. Grace and Love demand it.
So throughout your day as a child, a parent, a spouse, a saint, a coworker, a classmate, or a neighbor; ask yourself, “Is this choice, attitude, behavior, or action, worthy of the gospel of Christ?” “Is what I am speaking and how I am speaking appropriate/fit the gospel?” “Is my attitude appropriate as a Christian, a true disciple of Jesus Christ?” (John 8:31) “When people around me look at my choices, do they see choices that say, ‘That person has to be a disciple of Jesus!’?”
And now, especially considering the “church” which has its root in the idea of being a “called out people”. Look at it from the perspective of “walk in a manner worthy of the calling (churching) with which you have been called (churched)” I mean that in the sense of the universal church - all of God’s called out people of all place and all time. In the Lord’s church (called out people), these are worthy attitudes/behaviors - humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, in love. This is the way of Christ. This is the way of His called out people. This is the way worthy of the gospel. Now, walk in a manner worthy… walk in the love of the Lord, and there you can find nothing short of the unity of the gospel.
