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“And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith;...”

Romans 12:6

What God has given you is not for you. It is for others. God has given within you a special gift, but not for your comfort, ego, glory, personal profit or gain. He has given you a gift to give away. To give away to others. To use in service to others. Yes, you have the gift, but the gift is not for you. It is for others.

This is a bit of a peculiar text in English because much of the “exercise” is provided by the translators for understanding and is not in the original text. As noted above in the verse, the italicized words “let each exercise them accordingly” is not actually in the original manuscripts. This is one reason why having a translation like the NASB that identifies such occurrences in the text. Regardless, the phrase is just supplied because it is implied. The gift of grace you have from God is not a trophy that sits on your mantle to be admired; but rather, is a tool to be used, particularly in service to others.

This is a point clearly made and supported throughout scripture. “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies;”(1Peter 4:10) And likewise, we find purpose revealed, “so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”(1Peter 4:11) “Amen” indeed.

Do not deny this fundamental godly truth - you have talents, skills, abilities, and opportunities. You have those from the Lord and for the Lord. He is the one who has blessed you and it is the devil that convinces you that you are giftless, graceless, and godless. Just as he deceived Eve and said, “You surely shall not die”, so he whispers into the hearts of brethren “you have no gifts”. That is a lie. You do have gifts. We allllll have gifts. Let us exercise them daily!

You can speak. That is a gift. Use that gift to teach and encourage others. You have hands. That is a gift. Use those hands to send a text, or write a card, or type a blog. You have feet. That is a gift. Use that gift to go assemble with saints and encourage them or to go visit a shut-in, etc. You have ears. That is a gift. Sit… and listen to someone mourn. Be the gift of God in comfort to them. You have arms. That is a gift. Embrace and lift up the weak and fallen. You have a heart. That is a gift. Use it to show kindness and compassion to a dark world in the need of the light of Christianity.

Don’t you see? You are a gift! You are a gift to others if you use your gifts from God. Be that gift of grace in the church and honor and glorify your God who has so richly blessed you daily with gracious gifts!



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