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You Possess = You Control

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

"...that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,..."

1 Thessalonians 4:4 NASB1995

As with all topics, not all the verses used will have the “word of the month” in them, but will still convey some related concept. Such is today’s verse, which I believe provides one of the best concept definitions of “self-control” - know how to possess one’s own self (and by implication - do it).

Because it is the biblical concept of self-control we will see this idea repeating itself throughout the month in various verses and in various ways. This idea of “possession”; Who is in control? What is in control? Is “Lust” in control? Is “Anger” in control? Is “Anxiety” in control? Is the Devil in “control”? Is Christ in control? Who is “running the show” of your life here anyway?

You decide who is in control! Whether it be yourself or others. You decide. It’s your choice. It’s your responsibility. You are accountable for who is in control. Therefore, know how to possess yourself. This is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

This verse is the middle part of a larger sentence in discussing God’s will for us in the flesh (vessel). “Your sanctification” that is achieved through your “abstinence” (“abstain from sexual immorality” - v.3) What type of sexual immorality? All types. We are to possess our vessel in “sanctification and honor”, which as the figure of speech hendiadys is “sanctified honor”. Sanctified = holy = set apart. This is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus (Christians).

The life of a Christian is not “sin as much as we’d like whenever we please that the grace of God might abound”. We are not to live our lives “in lustful passion like the Gentiles who do not know God;” (v. 5). Christians who “know God” (v. 5), who know “the will of God” (v. 3), who know how we “out to walk and please God” (v. 1), will strive daily to “excel still more” (v. 1) in the sanctification of honor of the vessel of which God has given them possession. God has given me this vessel to honor and glorify Him, not to indulge every pride-filled and lustful passion or desire in my life.

And while this text does specifically address sexual immorality, the principle applies to all immorality. This vessel should not be filled with jealousy, pride, arrogance, intoxication, anger, malice, hatred, gossip, selfishness, rebellion, strife, etc. You possess your vessel, you choose what you fill it with, you choose what you do with it, you choose. God’s will for you in Christ Jesus, is to choose to possess your vessel in sanctified honor. Let’s resolve daily to do just that.


Here is a link to the #ExcelStillMore Podcast w/ host Kris Emerson who started the New Year and Season 5 with this topic of Self-Control.



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