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Your Grace Isn’t Special

"But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are."

Acts 15:11

Your grace isn’t special. Everyone’s grace is special!

The salvation from sin through faith in Christ Jesus is the same for all. Female and Male. Bond or Free. Gentile or Jew. Poor or Wealthy. “Red and Yellow, Black and White” as the song goes… the grace of Jesus is for all. Regardless of race, culture, nation, or tongue… the grace of Jesus is for all. He died and brought salvation for all mankind that would believe Him, and obey Him, and love Him.

It was a difficult first-century concept for brethren to get. In many respects, it seems like it is better today. And yet, tensions can still exist. As well as divisions. “White churches”, “Black churches”, “English churches”, “Hispanic churches” - divisions amongst brethren were created in the 1900s (or earlier) that still exist today in many parts of America. But I will say, I believe it is improving with each generation.

A greater unity. A greater desire to share all the grace of Jesus together and not just the grace of baptism through faith. Those who believe “we are saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus”, must necessarily also believe we are not just part of the same universal church, but part of the same family. We all share the same blood - the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior. We are one body. One holy people. One blessed family “through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ”. May we exemplify and glorify that fact in the local body of believers - the Lord’s church.

We are not all saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus so that we might live divided. Nowhere in the New Testament do I recall the Lord instructing the brethren to set up a “Jewish church” and a “Gentile church”; but rather, they were to dwell together and work together as one through the grace of the Lord Jesus. The remarkable unity amidst the backdrop of such cultural divide was one of the great shining lights of hope and peace and unity “through the grace of the Lord Jesus” to the rest of the world! May it still be! May it always be!

There is “one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6) This means there is one grace for all. Everyone’s grace is special, not because it is unique to them, it’s not special because of the recipient (it’s not about you), it’s special because of the Giver! (It’s about Him!)

We are saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We all are. May that humble us to acceptance and unity of one another and may that lead us to peace and service in Christ Jesus our Lord and ultimately glorify His precious name and His gracious gift. Amen.



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